Productivity at work relies on action, not location
Why would we expect the people we work with daily to behave less diligently when they work remotely?
The hybrid workplace calls for adaptive leadership
Why do we work the way we do? Is there a way to make the experience of work more ‘human’?
Hybrid work raises the question of culture
Hybrid and remote working challenge us to think more deeply about work, workplaces, and culture.
Opportunity in crisis: the resilience of a flexible workforce
While some people grapple with the 'how-to' of flexible work, others in the contingent workforce wonder what tomorrow holds.
Are we designing work for flexibility?
If we want the benefits of a flexible workforce, we must question how work could be packaged differently.
How well do we understand the experience of flexible workers?
Flexible working should be a positive career choice for the individual and a benefit to the organisation.
What drives the organisational demand for flexible work?
Where once organisations might have made allowance for flexible work to ‘show willing’ in appeasing employee requests, today, not offering flexible work is to be left behind in the race to recruit and retain talent.