Leadership, Hybrid Work, Evidence-based Policy David Schmidtchen Leadership, Hybrid Work, Evidence-based Policy David Schmidtchen

Aspiring to evidence-based policy: The curious case of hybrid working

A question for leaders: What poses a greater threat to productivity, hybrid working or reduced workforce capacity and capability?

Business and government leaders claim to be evidence-based decision-makers, except when it comes to hybrid work. Will the evidence that remote and hybrid working benefits employees and organisations ever be sufficient?

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Flexible Work, Hybrid Work, Remote Work David Schmidtchen Flexible Work, Hybrid Work, Remote Work David Schmidtchen

When we say ‘flexible working’, what do we mean?

Implementing workplace flexibility can be challenging. It requires us to think about flexible work not as a slimmed-down version of full-time employment but as a form of work that offers a different packaging of workforce capacity and capability.

It requires us to think closely and creatively about workplace processes and relationships grounded in the assumption of a full-time workforce.

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